
Intentionally Choosing Your Inputs & Outputs for Optimal Health

By Richard J Chandler / March 1, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Quote: “We’re lost, but we’re making good time.” – Yogi Berra    More fun Yogi Berra quotes with a short bio here on my website Thought: Intentionally Choosing Your Inputs & Outputs for Optimal Health Inputs and outputs are valuable constructs to achieve better health in […]

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Three Distinct Kinds of Decisions

By Richard J Chandler / February 23, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Quote: “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” – Carl Jung                         More Carl Jung quotes here on our website Thought: Three Distinct Kinds of Decisions You make […]

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Identity’s Benefits and Limits

By Richard J Chandler / February 15, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Quote: “You might lose your spontaneity and, instead of composing first-rate Gershwin, end up with second-rate Ravel.”       – Maurice Ravel (Ravel’s response to Gershwin’s request to study music composition with him.)    More Maurice Ravel quotes, along with a one-paragraph bio here on my Leading […]

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The myriad of physical, cognitive, and emotional benefits of being a life-long learner

By Richard J Chandler / February 9, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Quote: “Folk songs were the way I explored the universe, they were pictures and the pictures were worth more than anything I could say.   …Most of the other performers tried to put themselves across, rather than the song, but I didn’t care about doing that. […]

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The value of reflection and the benefit of thinking more deeply before taking action

By Richard J Chandler / February 1, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Thought: I have been pondering the value of reflection and the benefit of thinking more deeply before taking action. Productive thinking requires discerning between various types of thinking, and worry and rumination are very different than objective, thoughtful analysis.  The best way to engage in the latter […]

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How can you express your concerns and frustration with your romantic partner without making things worse?

By Richard J Chandler / January 25, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Quote: “True kindness presupposes the faculty of imagining as one’s own the sufferings and joy of others.” – Andre Gide (1869-1951). More quotes and a one-paragraph concise bio of Andre Gide are here on our website. Thought: Thought: Do you have a romantic partner? From time to time, […]

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Thinking about how we strive to impress others

By Richard Chandler / January 17, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching LinkQuote: “Celebrity is a mask that eats into your face.”Thought: With this very 1st “Take Two+ Tuesday,” I lead with one of my favorite quotes by the writer, John Updike. Although very few of us are celebrities, the meaning of the quote holds up if we find ourselves […]

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Larry Schug book, Scales Out of Balance

Addiction: Songs of Struggle & Victory

By Richard Chandler / December 20, 2021

Alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drug addiction were destructive themes in the lives of my five aunts on my dad’s side. I learned, as an adult, alcoholism had also been a significant detriment in the life of my grandfather that undoubtedly affected his daughters, my aunts. I have also witnessed how frequent inebriation traumatized the lives […]

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Deb Berglund, Richard Chandler Tom Gaetz Cloudwinds Trio

CloudWinds Woodwind Trio November 15th, 2019 Recital Well Received

By Richard Chandler / November 17, 2019

Our recital went well! We had approximately 45 people present between audience members and musicians. Works of the two French composers, Ibert & Koechlin, Polish, (but French inspired) composer Szalowski, and J.S. Bach, Joplin and my own four original works and arrangements all came together for us. Vocalist Jody Martinson joined us for an original […]

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Adolphe Sax

Life of Saxophone Inventor Adolphe Sax

By Richard Chandler / June 22, 2019

By Richard J. Chandler, MA, Composer​ In 2018, I completed a new work based on the life of the inventor of the saxophone, Adolphe Sax. The narrator of the piece tells Sax’s story in the first person as if Adolphe Sax himself returned from the afterlife and told us his life story. Sax Transcends for […]

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