
Adolphe Sax

Life of Saxophone Inventor Adolphe Sax

By Richard Chandler / June 22, 2019

By Richard J. Chandler, MA, Composer​ In 2018, I completed a new work based on the life of the inventor of the saxophone, Adolphe Sax. The narrator of the piece tells Sax’s story in the first person as if Adolphe Sax himself returned from the afterlife and told us his life story. Sax Transcends for […]

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Inventing Inventions

By Richard Chandler / June 15, 2024

Love for 2-Part Inventions Why 2-part Inventions? “In music, an invention is a short composition (usually for a keyboard instrument) in two-part counterpoint.” – Wikipedia on Inventions I had been playing alto saxophone since the age of 11 and fell in love with duets from the start. Duets began immediately. Back then, I received six weekly lessons as part of renting the […]

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Working with Anger in Your Romantic Relationship- How do you work with your or your romantic partner’s anger or your own?

By Richard J Chandler / August 5, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Quote:“I’ve learned … that a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.” – Andy Rooney (1919- 2011) More Quotes by Andy Rooney here: Thought:Working with Anger in Your Romantic Relationship How do you work with your or your romantic partner’s anger or your own? […]

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Is it Fair to Obligate Listeners to Absorb Another’s Anger in Service to the Venting Person?

By Richard J Chandler / June 15, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Quote: “We find our energies are actually cramped when we are overanxious to succeed.” Thought: Often you hear something along these lines: “Just vent and get it out when you’re mad.” And many people do just that, temporarily feeling better but leaving those around them […]

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Responding vs. Reacting

By Richard J Chandler / June 3, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Quote: To conquer oneself is a greater victory than to conquer thousands in a battle.”         – The 14th Dali Lama    More Quotes by Lhamo Thundup, The 14th Dali Lama here Thought: Responding vs. Reacting I made a video of this communication tool […]

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Want More Relationship Happiness? Balance the Power.

By Richard J Chandler / May 19, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Quote:“Guilt implanted at a tender age is not easy to destroy. A weed, it sprouts in unexpected places.” – Caryl Rivers      More Quotes by Caryl Rivers here Thought: Want More Relationship Happiness? Balance the Power. Is your primary relationship balanced as it relates to […]

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How Much is Too Much Alcohol?

By Richard J Chandler / May 4, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Quote:“Nothing excellent can be done without leisure.”– Andre Gide  (1869-1951)  More Andre Gide quotes here on our website. Thought: How Much is Too Much Alcohol? As a therapist, I have pondered the alcohol question professionally and much earlier on in my personal life. Like many people, […]

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Relationships Communication: Go From Arguing to Connecting

By Richard J Chandler / April 19, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Quote:“It is very easy to overestimate the importance of our own achievements in comparison with what we owe others.”  – Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lutheran pastor, theologian, and anti-Nazi dissident who was killed by the Nazis for helping Jews escape to Switzerland  More quotes by Bonhoeffer here on our website: […]

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What is Encouragement? (Hint: It Isn’t Praise) 

By Richard J Chandler / March 30, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Quote: “We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once.” – President Calvin Coolidge  More Coolidge quotes here on my website. Thought: Thought: What is Encouragement? (Hint: It Isn’t Praise)  Encouragement is the skill of intentionally observing the positive actions of others, […]

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Vertical vs. Horizontal Striving: What Drives Despots or Inspires Humanitarians

By Richard J Chandler / March 15, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Thought: Vertical vs. Horizontal Striving: What Drives Despots or Inspires HumanitariansOriginating with the psychologist Alfred Adler and present-day Adlerians, including this writer, have expounded on ‘vertical versus horizontal striving’ to understand the actions of individuals. It helps to understand this continuum visually.  Let’s place Russia’s hostile, […]

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Primary and Secondary Concerns: Facing Life’s Challenges Directly & Creatively

By Richard J Chandler / March 8, 2022

Take Two+ TuesdayA Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link Quote: “Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.” – Mark Twain   A one-paragraph bio and more Mark Twain quotes here on our website Thought: Primary and Secondary Concerns: Facing Life’s Challenges Directly & CreativelyOften, […]

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