Take Two+ Tuesday
A Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link
“I’ve learned … that a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.” – Andy Rooney (1919- 2011) More Quotes by Andy Rooney here:
Working with Anger in Your Romantic Relationship How do you work with your or your romantic partner’s anger or your own? Has anger led you both to gain understanding and some resolution, or has it been more typical of you to let unresolved issues go underground?
Addressing questions about anger is a significant element of my work as a Couples Therapist. I have noticed that husbands, wives & committed partners have tended to default to repeating the anger patterns they witnessed as children from their caregivers.
To change those learned anger patterns, mates must first recognize their patterns and apply specific ways of interrupting themselves and sometimes their partner. This requires higher awareness and commitment to communicating frustration in healthier and more effective ways.
Together with my co-writer, Judith Kilborn, Ph.D., we wrote more about this: Is Your Spouse Angry? 7 Ways To Calm Anger & End Arguments. Please read it here:
– Richard