Take Two+ Tuesday
A Quote, a Thought + an Enriching Link
“We’re lost, but we’re making good time.”
– Yogi Berra More fun Yogi Berra quotes with a short bio here on my website
Thought: Intentionally Choosing Your Inputs & Outputs for Optimal Health
Inputs and outputs are valuable constructs to achieve better health in a balanced way. Here is a summary list of what I find to be most relevant:
Physical Health Inputs:Water, Nutritious foods and liquids, Fiber, Nutritional supplements, Time in nature, Rest, and sleep.
Physical Health Outputs:Exercise by stretching, strengthening, aerobic activity, and agility.
Mental/Emotional Health Inputs:Nurturing and supportive relationships, intimacy, time in nature, uplifting reading, listening, and viewing.
Mental/Emotional Health Outputs:Smiling, Laughing, Gratitude, Loving-kindness, Self-care, Contributing to the welfare of those whose life your life touches, Optimistic uplifting thoughts, and words.
Existential Inputs:Metaphysical, spiritual, or religious reading, listening or viewing, Time in nature, The arts, Connecting with humanity through interactions with your fellow humans
Existential Outputs:Gratitude, Meditation, Pondering, Metaphysical, spiritual, or religious practices, Creating anything that has artistry in the mix including, hobbies, crafts, and artistic creations.
The following reading is about artistically creating your life. It relates to today’s thought because it is about intentionally thinking about your life and taking actions to create what you want to create.
+ An Artistic Link:
I had the pleasure of performing several pieces by the Dutch composer, Jacob Ter Veldhuis, whose bio is on my LeadingMusicians.com website.
Here is an extraordinary performance by Miguel Valles Mateu of Jacob Ter Veldhuis’s Tallahatchie Concerto. It builds over time and is worth listening to the end.