Invention on a Theme by Edie Hill

"Invention on a Theme by Edie Hill" is a captivating composition by Richard J Chandler that showcases his musical prowess and unique interpretation of Edie Hill's original theme. This piano piece takes inspiration from one of the movements in Hill's flute composition, which Chandler found particularly intriguing.

Musical Inspiration

Chandler's collaboration with Edie Hill as his music composition mentor has greatly influenced his creative journey. Upon listening to Hill's works, he felt a deep connection to one specific movement and was inspired to explore it further. This led to the inception of "Invention on a Theme by Edie Hill."

A Fresh Perspective

As Chandler delved into the theme, he envisioned new possibilities and allowed it to take on a life of its own within his mind. Through his unique musical perspective, the theme evolved and transformed into a piece that beautifully intertwines his own artistic expression with Hill's original motif.


Chandler humbly acknowledges the influence of Edie Hill in the creation of this composition. In discussions with Hill, she expressed she felt a little awkward referring to the piece "Invention on Edie Hill," finding it peculiar to attribute her name.

Hill referred to it as "Invention after a Theme by E.H.," showcasing her modesty while recognizing the collaborative nature of the work.


"Invention on a Theme by Edie Hill" is a case of taking a compelling theme in a new direction. Composing this piece combined musical collaboration and inspiration.